How to Turn Your Fitness Into a Successful Business!

Monday, August 3, 2009

DALLAS 90 Workout Group

I am now on week 12 of has been a really cool experience! I am stronger, leaner, and have regained a longer-lasting energy level. Sadly, a back injury and lack of eating discipline has prevented me from excelling at this program. Yes, I have noticeable results (lost 16 lbs, 3" off my waist, ab/chest definition, and a quicker step), but I am not going to reach my attainable goals I set before I started! This saddens me, but it is my own fault, and thus, very preventable.

With that in mind, I want to start a workout group on August 17, 2009. I want to bring together people who would be willing to exercise as a group. We wouldn't meet at a location to workout (imagine that logistical nightmare!), but rather, we would agree to workout in our individual homes. Furthermore, we would use the Beachbody website to schedule our workouts, track our progress, and keep each other accountable to becoming fit and healthy. P90X is a 90 day program.

I would like for us to do P90X together, but you may prefer other Beachbody programs (Power90 is a less-intense version of P90X; TurboJam; 10-minute Trainer, etc.). If I can get enough people on board with me, I have some great ideas for prizes/incentives. The point is to get a bunch of people together who want to get fit and healthier. Beachbody's motto is "Decide. Commit. Succeed." If you Decide it's time to make a change, please Commit to my first-ever workout group, so that we can help you Succeed.

If you want to join my group, will you please let me know ASAP? It's going to take a couple of weeks to get everything in order, and I want to have plenty of time to make YOU, our group, and this event a total success!!!

Hope to hear from you soon,



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